Middle Years Programme
Grades 6 – 10

In the Middle Years Programme (IB-MYP) for Grades 6 to 10, learning is highly contextual. These contexts provide a lens through which students can gain new perspectives, information, examples and understanding. Concepts provide universal, powerful and overarching ideas which can change and be interpreted based on the contextual lens. Teachers plan units that inquire into a conceptual understanding, shaped by a real-life context. Students will develop this understanding through direct instruction, collaborative discussion, research, hands-on experiences, field studies and other methods. Their learning is monitored and understood by their teachers through formative assessments. Students demonstrate their conceptual understanding and ability to apply skills and knowledge through summative assessments.

At Roong Aroon International School, teachers create learning experiences to encourage students to observe, think critically, and make connections within an across subjects and their own lives. Rather than focus on memorisation of facts, students are provided big questions focused on concepts. Students explore these concepts through an inquiry process of reflecting, researching, and taking action. As they move through these different types of inquiring, their subject knowledge, understanding, and skills are developed. Their deeper, conceptual understanding is transferable across subjects. For learning to have lasting, meaningful impact, units and assessment tasks are set within real-world contexts. In this way, students are able to see how their knowledge, concepts, and skills are applied beyond the classroom. Whenever possible, students are encouraged to find ways to take action for the benefit of their local, national and global communities.

MYP Subject groups

We have offered 8 subjects groups

  • Language Acquisition : English, Thai
  • Language and Literature : English, Thai
  • Mathematics : Standard, Extended
  • Individual and Societies : History, Geography, Economics
  • Integrated Sciences : Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • Arts : Visual, Performing (Music, Drama)
  • Design and Technology :  Robotics, Coding, Product
  • Physical and Health Education

​​Our grade 6 students will get a chance to experience in studying Drama about Khon Performance which is one of the signatures within the Roong Aroon Community. In term 3, they will be performing a Khon Contemporary Performance that allows them to put an effort into every single detail of the event both on stage and behind the scene.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Interdisciplinary Learning provides students with the opportunity to experience and understand knowledge from individual disciplines or subjects and transfer between subjects. The skills gained from different subjects can be combined to solve problems in real life contexts.

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Khon, a traditional Thai masked dance is an immersive learning experience where students reflect on the connections through Interdisciplinary Learning between Thai, Arts, Music and PHE and how each discipline informs their understanding of Khon.

Personal Project

In grade 10, students undertake a Personal Project, this project gives students the opportunity to independently explore an area of interest over a prolonged period of time. They both integrate and consolidate their learning through the Middle Years Programme. Teachers play the role of mentor-facilitators to gently guide the students but not do the work for them.

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One of our grade 10 student has explored her journey through Taekwondo for her personal project as it is her passion and she got to showcase this story to everyone at the end of the academic year